Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The Breaking Point-

Sooooo, it's been a month that we've been married and let's just say I haven't exactly been on track for wife of the year award... Tongue Tied.  Last week I honestly felt like the worst wife ever!!!!  With this new job and the crazy commute I'm gone 12 hours a day, M-F.  After scrambling around for the entire month prior to the wedding I was completely exhausted.  

Next thing I know the wedding is here and gone leaving behind a few family members and friends over the following week to entertain post wedding.  Jay, my husband, and I didn't plan on an immediate honeymoon because there is no way to know how lenient a new employer would be about allotting a lot of PTO...and quite frankly I was uncomfortable asking.  Luckily, I was able to get 2 days off prior to the wedding but hit the ground running the following Monday after the wedding.  So in short I've become a zombie Monday - Friday.  The weekends are spent catching up on housework that I didn't get to during the week.  So, aside from contributing to Thanksgiving I haven't even cooked for my lucky husband.  Feminist movement or none, I'm pretty sure that this is not the way to start a marriage!!!! No
It was becoming one of those problems that you hope is just in your head but then someone makes a comment and you can't ignore it anymore...  Jay finally said to me last week, "I know they say you change when you get married...but I didn't expect the change this quick.  I should have just stayed single!" Despite our mutual laughter, it's soooo not funny.  I mean how many people really want to be on the Kardashian plan?!?!  As if this wasn't warning enough I actually said I don't feel like decorating for Christmas. (Not even putting up the tree).  Now some of you may not care at all about Christmas, but it's my favorite holiday!!!  I couldn't get those words out of my head.  So I decided ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!!  I've got to force a change and I've got to do it now!  

So now... Starting with our first full week in December I'm committing to livening things up at home!  As an over achiever how could I be a R*CK*ST*R everywhere else in my life and not where it matters most?  I started last night off by putting some of my amazing new cookware to great use!!!  And I have to say...THANK YOU NU WAVE OVEN!  This is officially my new favorite toy. Big Smile  I've never made a whole chicken in my life and this bird was amazing.  We should have taken before and after pics because we TORE IT UP!!!
Here's to this new adventure called marriage...Drinks   

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