Thursday, January 5, 2012

2012 iS HeRe!!!! YAAAAY!!!!

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Had to bring in the new year with Fabulous Footwork!
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In my last post I mentioned being from Pennsylvania and born in Wisconsin.  If you know me you know that doesn't even come close to all of the places I've lived.  A BIG part of me is an Eastern Shore Girl.  I spent 8 years of my life next to the beach and still hold that time dear to me.  When we left we brought one of the biggest traditions with us.  My family brings in the New Year with a Seafood fest every year.  A couple of times I've tried the going out thing but it never seems to work I'm thinking that's God trying to tell me to keep my butt at home with Family where it belongs. :-) The first year that Jay and I were together he went to church with his family and I went my parents house as usual.  Last year I decided to be fair and give his tradition a try. (He came to Pittsburgh for Thanksgiving so I can hardly complain).  I was geared up to do his thing but was secretly wishing I could go back to being with my fam.  Imagine my surprise when he asked what I was doing this year.  Before I could answer he said "We can go to your parent's house if you want."  I would have done cartwheels if I could be sure that I wouldn't have fallen out half way through.  (I'm getting old)!!!  
Now back to the Seafood... We don't have a specific meal that is planned each year, as long as it comes from the Ocean it makes the cut.  I was surprised when my husband, who is not from the Eastern Shore by any means, volunteered me to make a Low Country Boil.  I may be converting him.  Well, I couldn't let him down so Low Country Boil it was. 

photo 1.JPGI honestly didn't think the night could get any better.  I had my family, I got to bring in the 2012 with one of my new great friends Phiniese and her S/O and "The Package" made an appearance!  Of course they were accompanied by their chaperons who delivered the best possible news for 2012...  & it has only just begun!                                                                                                            

HOLIDAY FUN...and politics!

Thanksgiving Dinner 2011
Okay, so I admit...I've been slipping but I'm back!  My favorite time of  year has come and past leaving with it a trail of memories.  So I never did get the time (motivation) to decorate my own place.  But Luckily I was able to enjoy the wonderful decor at a few other places.  Thank you Mom and Milo!  For those who don't know my family is from Pittsburgh but I was born in Wisconsin.  Whenever my parents talks about their first Christmas as husband and wife what, always stands out is how lonely it was.  It was just the two of them alone in Milwaukee.  So we are definitely blessed to have been able to celebrate both Thanksgiving and Christmas with both of our families accompanied by AMAZING FOOD!!!

For the first time Jay and I did the Holiday Office Party thing together.  All I can say is not only am I used to the terms "Wife" and "Husband" now!  But I think I may be a bit tired of saying it.  Our parties were on the same night so we covered both events back to back.  I believe I maxed out the new titles and reverted back to calling him my boyfriend for the next few days...LOL!
Thanksgiving 2011
 Honestly we had a lot of fun!  Surprisingly I loved his office party way more than mine and vice versa.  I guess we will always be total opposites.  ::Kanye Shrugs::  Mine was very conservative and his seemed like a scene out of the Hangover.
Hodges Mace Christmas Party 2011
 He doesn't know it but next year...I'm pushing to just go to his!